School staff with specific safeguarding responsibilities
- Janine Rivers; Acting Deputy Headteacher
- Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead (Team Teach tutor/ Designated Teacher for LAC&PLAC/ Attendance/ Bullying/Policy/ online safety/ Sexual Behaviours )
- Mick Gayle; Head of Pastoral Care
(Registered Social Worker) - Delegated Designated Safeguarding Lead (Child Protection)
- Trish Turner; Headteacher
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (LADO/ Low Level Concerns)
- Sophie Evitts; Deputy Headteacher
- Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Maxine Ursell; Acting Deputy HT
- Designated Safeguarding Lead(Health needs/ Team Teach Tutor/Senior Mental Health Lead)
- Adele Winfield-Hunt; Safeguarding Administrator
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (LADO/ Low Level Concerns)
- Traci Good (Designated Safeguarding Governor)
- Ellen Atkinson (Governor for Mental Health and Well-being)
- Sarah Preece and Rhiannon Holdway (Relationship, Sex and Heath Education Lead)
- Jane Hutchby (Family support Workers)
- Adele Winfield-Hunt (Safeguarding/ Family Support Admin)