Meet our Governors


Gemma Watts – Acting Chair

My daughter has been attending Brackenfield for 3 years now. It was such a daunting decision finding the right placement for her, but Brackenfield has been just that. I want to help and support the school anyway I can ensure the school continues to be the wonderful and supportive environment it is for children who need additional help and support to access the most from their education.

I work as a team manager for a local authority working with families that need additional help and support through early help and other services. It is important to me that all families get the right help and support at the right time to ensure they can provide a strong and stable home environment, and I have almost 20 years’ experience within this field. I have a key understanding of the need for both challenge and support and will be keen to offer both in this role. I am passionate about the special educational needs and disabilities system and ensuring that it ‘works’ for all the children who need it.

I have worked in partnership with schools for many years as part of an early help team and have good knowledge of both SEND and mainstream school provision including safeguarding, promoting school attendance, increasing pupils’ wellbeing and supporting their mental health as well as management and leadership experience. But perhaps more importantly I am a mum of a child with additional needs who has personally navigated the SEND and EHCP system.

I am diplomatic and collaborative with a strong background in leadership and joint working. I am inclusive and empathetic in my approach.

An effective communicator with a strong person-centred ethos. I have a personal passion for SEND provision and am committed to support Brackenfield as much as possible.


Traci Gregory (Good) – Vice Chair

I became a governor to use my skills and knowledge to support Brackenfield Special School, which aligns with my work as an online safety consultant in the SEND area. This role allows me to bring relevant expertise and insights into safeguarding and digital safety, helping to create a supportive environment for our students.

I’m passionate about seeing young people achieve their best and I enjoy getting involved in board discussions, sharing ideas, and making thoughtful decisions. I like to ask questions and look for ways we can keep improving.

Working together is key, and I enjoy building strong relationships with leaders, staff, parents, and the school community. I believe in balancing support with a bit of constructive challenge to keep us all moving forward.

Embracing growth, learning, and fresh ideas keeps me motivated to make a positive impact at our school.


Chloe Lawrence

As part of the school staff I was interested in representing everyone as a school governor, I am passionate about working collaboratively and committed to school improvement so when the opportunity arose to apply it felt like a positive step to put myself forward.

I have worked with children with SEND for 12 years in varying roles and have worked at Brackenfield school for 6 years. I have supported the school through periods of change which ensured we have the best offer for our pupils. I am committed to continued professional development and networking with other schools and professionals which enables me to ask questions, provide quality assurance and appropriate challenge to members of the school.

I have a vast knowledge of SEND and the impact this has on our pupils and their families. I specialise in communication and show commitment to build strong links with families.

I am a confident communicator and feel able critically analyse information given and ask questions in the best interest of the school.

I am enthusiastic about our school and have its best interests at heart. I build strong relationships with our staff, pupils and their families. I remain curious about our approach and strive to ensure we remain innovative and we work within the guideline of the SEND code of practice.


Ellen Atkinson

I have worked with and for disabled people for over 30 years since leaving university.  I started my career by working in supported employment for disabled young people leaving college.

I am an associate with the National Development Team for inclusion (NDTi) who were commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) to deliver the Preparing for Adulthood programme in partnership with the Council for Disabled Children; I am now working on the Internships Work programme, funded by the DfE to increase the number of supported internships available for young people with Education Health and Care plans (EHCPs) as the regional adviser for the East and South East of England.  In this role I work on the development of supported internships and support Local Authorities, schools, FE providers and partners to develop the employment pathways for young people with additional needs.

As part of my work to support people with additional needs I deliver training in systematic instruction (TSI) which is recognised as a key skill in supporting people to learn complex living tasks or the skills needed to get into paid work.

I was happy to join the governing body of Brackenfield School to support the ambitious developments of the school and to support them with their vision to improve the life outcomes of children and young people at the school.  I am particularly interested in the plans for their post 16 provision and feel I can bring some knowledge through my work on the Preparing for Adulthood programme.


John Roberts

I am parent to a young man, Joseph, with severe learning disability and autism caused by a rare condition called Dias Logan Syndome (mutation of BC11A gene). Joseph now attends the Barnet & Southgate Special College in North London, having spent his whole schooling life at the Bridge Academy Trust, Islington. During those 15 years, I have been a governor at his school, following his and the school’s progress, ups and downs, and academisation.

From that experience I set up a non-profit organisation, called Show Me CIC to develop the use of touchscreen technology and apps in SEND education, working with neuro-scientists and specialist schools across the UK and abroad. I have worked with, and been so impressed by, Brackenfield School as part of that project, including providing some staff training in Neuroscience for Special Education (following which you introduced short neuroscientific exercises into your curriculum).

More widely, I am a ‘technology for good’ business manager, having founded several businesses in telecoms, media and retail in the UK and abroad. I am also a board member of the Autism Education Trust.

I was invited to be a governor of Brackenfield School and was delighted to accept to help as best I can to continue in your fantastic work. I recognise this is more difficult due to being based in London, but hope to be able to visit as often as feasible, as well as continuing with Show Me app and touchscreen projects with the school.

Michelle Farr

I live in Derbyshire and was appointed as the Local Authority Governor in 2023.  I enjoy reading, cooking and walking in Derbyshire with my family.

I’m a trained Primary Teacher and I have worked all my career with vulnerable children and young people across the East Midlands.  For the last 15 years I have been working the Independent Special Education Sector.  Within my current role I am responsible for the Quality of Education.  I am passionate about a developing a person-centered curriculum and securing the best possible outcomes for children and young people.

I am proud to be part of the Governors team at Brackenfield and look forward to working with the school and leaders as it continues on its journey.

Fern Mee Photo

Fern Mee

I became a parent governor to help shape the development of the school, and to be the voice of the parents and carers of all Brackenfield’s pupils.

My son is in his second year at the school, during his time here he has thrived in a supportive and engaging environment. I want to bring the unique perspective of a parent to the board; having a child with additional needs and having navigated the EHCP system I have a good knowledge of the challenges and opportunities this can bring.

I am truly passionate about ensuring that all children, regardless of their abilities or challenges, have access to the resources, support, and opportunities they need to succeed. In my working life I have experience in leadership, customer relations and negotiating, as well as complaints and conflict resolution.

I believe my personal experience as a parent, skills gained from my career, and passion for advocacy will allow me to contribute meaningfully to the school’s governing body. I am excited to be working with the school and governing team.

The role of a governor

The role of a school governor is to contribute to the work of the governing body in raising standards of achievement for all pupils.

This involves:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

The individual governor has a responsibility, working alongside other members of the governing body, to the staff and pupils of the school and the school’s wider community. Governors must have an interest in our children’s future, be willing to contribute and make a difference, respect the need for confidentiality and be able to work as part of a team. Governors must act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and in the best interests of the school.

What governors do:
Governors are volunteers who attend meetings and work to further the school’s development.

Together with the headteacher, responsibilities of governing bodies include:

  • developing the school’s strategic plan
  • determining aims, policies and priorities
  • setting targets
  • monitoring and evaluating
  • deciding the number of staff
  • overseeing the use of the school’s budget
  • securing high levels of attendance and good standards of pupil behaviour.

Governors provide the headteacher with support and advice, drawing on their knowledge and experience. They ask searching questions and respect the headteacher’s position as the professional leader of the school.