Content marked ** is Sex Education Content

B0 – B7

B8 – B14

B15 – B21


Families and People that Care for Me: that families are important for children growing up because they can give love, security and stability.

Offer opportunities for pupils to learn to recognise their family, through photos of them with their family, and staff interactions with family – “it’s MUMMY!”.

Communication aids showing family at home and friends/staff at school.

Provide access to family photos in the classroom.

Plan family themed role play and small world play.

Encourgae modelling from staff during parent interactions, “it’s mummy!”, “daddy is waiting at home”.

Plan family themed call and response and sensory story sessions.

Provide access to family photos in the classroom.

Plan family themed role play and small world play.

Provide access to a variety of books that show different family dynamics.

Plan narrative, call and response and sensory story sessions based on families and carers.

Encourage pupils to name people who they love and love them.

Provide access to family photos in the classroom

Plan family themed role play and small world play

Encourage discussions around the weekends and holidays when pupils see extended family

Encourage pupils to name people who they love and love them. Have pupils identify ways their loved ones care for them.

Caring People: how important friendships are in making us feel happy and secure, and how people choose and make friends.

Staff to model positive interactions and set clear boundaries for socially inappropriate behaviours that are shown.

Regular access to intensive interaction and motivators.

Staff to be person of trust and show kindness and support through problems and difficulties.

Staff to highlight when kindness is shown and verbalise this, using terms like ‘friends’ and ‘good sharing’.

Staff model turn taking, using manners and positive interactions i.e. thank you for helping, good morning, how are you.

Allow pupils option to opt in and out of activities – communication aids to support this – see Communication LTP.

Use communication aids to support choice making, turn taking/sharing etc.

Allow pupils option to opt in and out of activities – communication aids to support this – see Communication LTP.

Use opportunities like lunch and snack time to encourage tolerance and awareness of others – highlight similar and different preference.

Regular access to various levels of play with different peers – see Play LTP.

Provide opportunities to expand and exlpore new preferences and motivators alongside peers.

Highlight examples of good friend characteristics during play ie sharing, laughing, turn taking, forgiveness.

Staff to model positive interactions.

Plan offsite trips and time in other classes/shared spaces.

Use opportunties like lunch and snack time to encourage tolerance and awareness of others – highlight similar and different preference.

Provide opportunities for pupils to develop communication skills to set boundaries with peers and ask for help.

Regular access to various levels of play with different peers – see Play LTP.

Access to Pelican sessions with links to friendships when discussing happiness.

Provide opportunities to expand and exlpore new preferences.

Highlight examples of good friend characteristics during play ie sharing, laughing, turn taking, forgiveness.

Role play, drama, narrative, stories abour friendships and kindness.

Regular access to various levels of play with different peers – see Play LTP.

Access to Pelican sessions with links to friendships when discussing happiness.

Provide opportunities to expand and exlpore new preferences.

Highlight examples of good friend characteristics during play ie sharing, laughing, turn taking, forgiveness.

Role play, drama, narrative, stories abour friendships and kindness.

Respectful Relationships: the importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from them (for example, physically, in character, personality or backgrounds), or make different choices or have different preferences or beliefs.

Staff to model positive interactions and set clear boundaries for socially inappropriate behaviours that are shown.

Regular access to intensive interaction and motivators.

Staff to be person of trust and show kindness and support through problems and difficulties.

Staff to highlight when kindness is shown and verbalise this, using terms like ‘friends’ and ‘good sharing’.

Staff model turn taking, using manners and positive interactions i.e. thank you for helping, good morning, how are you.

Allow pupils option to opt in and out of activities – communication aids to support this – see Communication LTP.

Use communication aids to support choice making, turn taking/sharing etc.

Allow pupils option to opt in and out of activities – communication aids to support this – see Communication LTP.

Use opportunities like lunch and snack time to encourage tolerance and awareness of others – highlight similar and different preference.

Regular access to various levels of play with different peers – see Play LTP.

Provide opportunities to expand and exlpore new preferences and motivators alongside peers.

Highlight examples of good friend characteristics during play ie sharing, laughing, turn taking, forgiveness.

Staff to model positive interactions.

Plan offsite trips and time in other classes/shared spaces.

Use opportunties like lunch and snack time to encourage tolerance and awareness of others – highlight similar and different preference.

Provide opportunities for pupils to develop communication skills to set boundaries with peers and ask for help.

Provide opportunities for group and paired play activies – see play LTP.

Use RSHE resources for stories with props about respect and relationships – use dolls.

Use dolls to explore differences and similarities between each other, family and friends.

Explore and expand preferences through community visits – see community LTP.

Provide opportunities for group and paired play activites – see play LTP.

Use RSHE resources for stories with props about respect and relationships – use dolls.

Use dolls to explore differences and similarities between each other, family and friends.

Explore and expand preferences through community and SMSC visits – see community LTP.

Mental wellbeing: that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health.

Provide opportunities for pupils to explore different motivators and relation techniques.

Using sensory profiles from the sensory toolkit, pupils develop regulation skills promoting happiness and contentment. Pupils have access to their regulators and motivators and staff facilitate widening these preferences to support wellbeing, engagement and tolerance.

Have communication aid with motivators and relaxation techniques bespoke to the pupils interests.

Staff to model and support pupils to explore different relaxation techniques.
Have communication aid with emotions, motivators and relaxation techniques bespoke to the pupils interests.
Staff to acknowledge/model emotions the pupils are displaying.

Explore some of the PELICAN I can relax techniques.

Use narrative, call and response and sensory story sessions based on happy and sad.

Use Makaton signs and PEC to model and label emotions and relaxation techniques.

Explore the PELICAN I can relax and I can feel techniques.

Provide photos and video clips of different emotions for children to identify them.

Use narrative, call and response, role play and sensory story sessions based on simple emotions.

Encourage pupils to identify and express their emotions.

Internet Safety and harms: that for most people the internet is an integral part of life and has many benefits.

Provide access to technology and model safe use.

Set limits where possible and ensure iPad content is restricted – report when unsafe material is accessed. Ensure familiar adults are regularly checking and interacting with pupils whilst using technology.

Access to pointing boards or communication aid with preferred online songs, pictures, videos or games.

Provide access to technology and model safe use.

Use internet as part of daily lessons – model use of internet to get answers, information, images, videos etc.

Set limits where possible, ensure iPad content is restricted. Work with pupils to report when something is wrong.

Access to pointing boards or communication aid with preferred online songs, pictures, videos or games.

Provide access to technology and model safe use.

Use internet as part of daily lessons – model use of internet to get answers, information, images, videos etc.

Turn off internet and see how this restricts access to things like apps, google, emails etc.

Set limits where possible, ensure iPad content is restricted. Work with pupils to report when something is wrong.

Use iVengers Special Agents to provide peer led sessions on internet safety and harms – see computing SoW.

Provide access to technology and model safe use.

Use internet as part of daily lessons – model use of internet to get answers, information, images, videos etc.

Turn off internet and see how this restricts access to things like apps, google, emails etc.

Set limits where possible, ensure iPad content is restricted. Work with pupils to report when something is wrong.

Use iVengers Special Agents to provide peer led sessions on internet safety and harms – see computing SoW.