Personal Development

At Brackenfield, we recognise the importance of preparing all our young people for adulthood, from their unique starting points and on their individual journeys to achieve their best possible outcomes.

Personal Development encompasses:

  • Relationships and Health Education
  • Sex Education
  • Physical Education
  • Wellbeing
  • Wider Safety in the community; travel training, water safety, stranger danger
  • Citizenship and playing a part in the community
  • Developing Character and values, including taking responsibility and contributing to the school community
  • Wider enriching opportunities including forest schools, trips and residentials
  • Pupil Voice and Inclusion
  • Spiritual Moral, Social and Cultural and British Values exposure and understanding
  • Economic understanding and Careers; the local area and jobs
  • Digital Resilience

Personal Development is embedded throughout the school curriculum, focusing on quality experiences which are functional and enriching.

Brackenfield School is committed to preparing all young people for adulthood in line with the SEND Code of Practice. Through the curriculum approach and personalised learning intentions, at a pace appropriate to the pupil we aspire to support pupils in the following areas:


  • Communicate needs, wants, thoughts, preferences, opinions and experiences.
  • Understand what people say to them and follow instructions.
  • To participate in conversations.

Good Health

  • Understand and manage their own body.
  • Manage their own mental physical and sexual health.
  • Manage and meet their own hygiene needs including toileting.

Friends, Relationships and Community

  • Develop and maintain relationships and friendships.
  • Access their community safely and confidently

Independent Living

  • Live as independently as possible and manage my own household.
  • Meet their own basic needs such as hunger, thirst etc
  • Meet their own needs to be prepared for different weather; i.e. applying suncream and wearing a hat in the sun,  wearing a coat when its cold or raining, changing wet clothes etc.
  • Make choices and discover their preferences.


  • Learn about the world of work so they know what opportunities are available to them
  • Learn skills so they can enter the workforce

View our Brackenfield Business Enterprise

Class timetables offer regular opportunities to experience the local communities alongside developing the life skills needed to access communities safely.

Digital Resilience is addressed through our Special Agents, iVengers programme. Click here for more details.

Relationship, Health and Sex Education 

Relationship, health and sex education must be taught to all pupils regardless of developmental age. Equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe is a primary concern.  This policy has been informed by pupil, parent and staff voice. Staff training, parental surveys and pupil feedback have influenced the school’s approach to curriculum content and delivery methods.  This includes health education, citizenship and sex education.

We want our pupils to:

BelongBelieveBe Brave
-To keep themselves safe and recognise risks -To recognise who cares for them and experience caring and respectful relationships-To understand and look after their physical health and mental health -To express my wants, needs and preferences in relationships-To execute their right to consent and choice -To experience safe intimacy and safe intimate relationships

Teaching staff will:

  • Provide learning opportunities to develop confidence in choices
  • Use a school wide relationship vocabulary to support comprehension of relationships ad safety
  • Maintain consistent and positive relationships with pupils
  • Promote the importance of positive physical and mental health; including healthy eating and wellbeing
  • Deliver dignified, clear and non-judgmental relationship and sex education

Health and Relationship Education Curriculum Content

At Brackenfield relationship education is embedded throughout the curriculum. Content can be found in all life skill subjects; Community participation, Good Health, Employment and Independent Living.

  • Community participation: caring friendships, respectful relationships, personal safety, public and private spaces.
  • Good Health: families and people who care for me, caring friendships, mental wellbeing, physical health and fitness, health and prevention, basic first aid, learning about their own body and private areas, changing adolescent body
  • Employment: mental wellbeing
  • Independent living: families and people who care for me, caring friendships, online relationships and media, healthy eating

Curriculum content is supported by interactive resources boxes covering a variety of areas; consent, personal hygiene, drugs, alcohol, SRE, virtual online safety. These boxes are reviewed and developed by Pathway Leads, informed by pupil and staff voice.

Addressing Diversity

We promote diversity for individuals, couples, families, sexuality and awareness of needs through the learning resources we use, including meeting new people, talking and meeting our families and through the stories we read and recall. We also promote diversity through the SMSC and World About Me curriculum offer.

We  aim to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and ensure we foster good relationships and ensure equal opportunities are given to people who have protected characteristics. There are 9 protected characteristics in the Equality act 2010 which are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. When teaching, we ensure we promote diversity by changing social stories to different genders, race or families, using different  skin tones in widget/ Inprint, offering a range of scented deodorants for good health or using neutral language such as penis in vagina sex when teaching sex education.

We aim to reduce stigma around health needs by ensuring pupils have access to period products around school, access to personal care facilities and the choice to request showers within school time.

Our Relationships and Sex Education Policy can be found here.

What it looks like in Classrooms (before employment specific sessions)

Careers Teaching and Learning 

Careers provision is integrated into the curriculum and personal development offer at Brackenfield SEND School.

Typically, informal learners will always require co-regulation and therefore their experience of employment learning will be different to semi-formal learners; this is subject specific in key stage 3 and above, teacher led learning. Where appropriate, pupils have Personalised Learning Intentions for employment, alongside the other areas of preparation of adulthood and communication.

Our pupils have a variety of complex needs therefore the curriculum follows three models: pre formal, semi formal and formal curriculum. Typically, pre-formal learners will always require co-regulation and therefore their experience of employment learning will be a contrast to that of formal learners; this is subject specific, teacher led learning. Employment is one of our 4 life skills subjects. It is assessed across all pathways. Typically, Employment learning is embedded in a pre-formal curriculum and a younger semi-formal curriculum. Older semi-formal classrooms and formal classrooms have standalone Employment lessons as part of the life skills curriculum.

In-formal careers activitiesSemi-formal careers activities
Learning routinesLearning and following routines
Learning steps in simple activitiesPlaying simple games with rules
Engagement skillsCompleting tasks
Learning to make simple requestsRole Play
Responding to simple requestsTeamwork and communication with peers
Recognising personal hygiene needsPlanning tasks and activities
Taking part in group activitiesCommunication with different people
Shared enjoymentFinding one’s skillset
Adding value to group activities by taking part
Recognising people in the community
Recognising one’s achievements
Self-management of routines
Managing changes in routines
Peer interactions to problem solve
Knowing skill set
Understanding the community and roles of different people within it; i.e. shop keepers, Police, nurses, doctors, factory workers, teachers, cleaners etc.
Practising transferrable life skills to support independence i.e. use of ICT, reading, budgeting, using money, telling the time
Vocational profiling
Assigned responsibilities within class groups
Time keeping
Development Brackenfield Characters including motivation and commitment
Health & Safety
Online Safety

Careers Education and Student Entitlement (The Baker Clause) 

We recognise and carry out our duty to provide Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG), ensuring all students in years 8 to 11 (and all post 16 pupils) at Brackenfield SEND School are entitled to:

  • Un-biased  and up-to-date labour market information to support employment choices and to maximise skill set development
  • Find out about technical education qualifications and traineeships/ supported interships opportunities as part of our careers programme, which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point which are the most aspirationally realistic for them
  • Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and traineeships/ supported internships
  • Understand how and have support to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses
  • Obtain impartial, confidential personalised careers guidance
  • Access work experience opportunities which are realistically aspirational
  • An understanding of the world of work and improve motivation
  • Regular pupil centred meetings which promote pupil and parent voice when making informed careers choices

The Baker Clause is an amendment to the Technical and Further Education Act 2017 which states that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to all students in years 8- 13 to tell them about non-academic routes which are available to them.

Providers include employers, colleges and alternative options at post 16. Providers can register interest by making contact with the school directly, using the contact details below. Providers may send in advertising material to be shared with parents. These will be checked for appropriateness and on a case by case basis a decision will be made on which pupils the literature would be supportive of. This is to ensure we remain aspirational realistic for the cohort and their families. The school is outwards facing and approaches providers directly if identified through research on opportunities for the cohort.

Brackenfield defines work experience as:

‘Any activity which furthers knowledge, understanding, skill or experience with the purpose of leading to a life enhancing outcome, including improving the possibility and probability of working in a range of settings.’

Talentinos 2019

Work experience opportunities are utilised to deepen employment learning. Work experience is focused on year 10 and year 11 pupils; however, work experience is also embedded into bespoke curriculum offers for pupils who take part in alternative provisions. Typically these are secondary aged pupils.

Work experience is planned on a case by case basis, working with pupils and their families to identify opportunities which will inspire and support future employment opportunities. Brackenfield utilising the opportunities in house to provide first-hand experiences of real-life work in key local labour market areas, this includes:

  • Horticulture- garden maintenance
  • Cleaning and caretaking- cleaning and maintaining good hygiene
  • Catering- supporting lunchtime activities
  • Business administration-answering phones, filing, sending emails, photocopying, shredding
  • Hospitality- directing visitors during CPD events, making refreshments, preparing and putting equipment away after events

Brackenfield SEND School provide work experience opportunities alongside Stanton Vale School in the above areas at each other’s sites, to provide new environments to experience real life work.

From year 9, pupils complete their work experience log and further education guidance log to record their views and preferences for post 16. Pupils review this regularly alongside their vocational profiling tool completed as part of their employment lessons.


A provider wishing to request access should contact the careers team:

Strategic Careers Leader: Sophie Evitts; Deputy Headteacher

Operational Careers Leader: Helen Diggle; Employment Coordinator

Careers Governor: Ellen Atkinson

Local Enterprise Coordinator: Charlotte Bushell

Local Enterprise Advisor: Sue Woollett

Telephone: 0115 9733710


Careers Policy 

Click here for our Careers Policy

Click here to view our Brackenfield Enterprise Business.

Our Careers Policy follows the typical journey below, within a semi-formal approach:

College Provision

In preparation for transition to post 16, KS4 pupils access different college experiences; vocational experience or Lifelong Learning experience.

Pupils are grouped based on cognitive ability, anxiety levels, communication skills and their preferences for post 16. The vocational experience is chosen each year through pupil voice and the available options. Vocational options include: animal care, construction, plastering, brickwork, woodwork, motor mechanics, hair and beauty. Pupils complete vocational qualifications at entry level or level 1.

Qualification Offer

Within the key stage 4 curriculum, pupils work towards a variety of qualifications aimed to prepare young people for adult life and the world of work. Accredited outcomes are decided on a case by cases basis, as the focus of qualifications and accredited learning is to prepare for employment, therefore qualifications are focused on employment related skills and learning.

Qualifications include:

  • Functional skills in English
  • Functional skills in maths
  • Functional skills in ICT
  • Specific employability/ vocation specific units within Skills for Further Learning and Employment, Travel Training, Independent Living in the Community

Employment Event Opportunities

Employment Events are held regularly to expose pupils to awe and wonder of careers and give pupils work experience opportunities internally.  Not only do these experiences support employment opportunities, but also expose pupils to social events they may experience as adults, developing essential lifelong skills. Classes are invited to lead careers activities as teams, depending on cohort and appropriateness.

The purpose of the following activities is to expose pupils to the following concepts:

  • Utilising strengths in a group and working together
  • Organising and leading events/ projects with a clear purpose
  • Building a simple business plan, with a clear goal and steps to the goal
  • Enriching activities to explore interests and preferences
  • Making choices and communicating with different people

Employment Carousel

A number of events, integrated into our careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers.

During parents evenings, we host a post-16 options presentation, inviting providers to speak to pupils and their families.

Employer encounters happen regularly within KS4/ KS5 cohort, where appropriate year 9 pupils are also invited.

Employers are invited to present to pupils on the real-life world of work. These sessions aim to:

  • Reduce stigma attached to low skilled jobs
  • Expose pupils to a wide variety of jobs and different people from the community
  • Offer visits to real life employers to experience life away from school
  • Provide opportunities for young people to ask questions about work and different jobs
  • Provide young people with an informed offer of realistic employment opportunities and how to get there

The employment carousel currently runs on a 2 year rolling programme. This is influenced by local labour market information, pupil interests and aspirations and local job opportunities.

Transitions into Post-16 and beyond

At Brackenfield SEND School, we have established a network of local providers who offer a variety of opportunities for young people within our cohort. Providers include:

  • Ilkeston Campus, Derby College
  • Broomfield Campus, Derby College
  • Roundhouse Campus, Derby College
  • Portland College
  • Nottingham College
  • Stanton Vale Sith Form
  • Chesterfield College
  • Freemans College
  • YMCA
  • Fountains Sixth Form
  • Burton College
  • Kirk Hallam School


From year 9, pupils complete their work experience log and further education guidance log to record their views and preferences for post 16. Pupils review this regularly alongside their vocational profiling tool completed as part of their employment lessons.

Assessing Impact of our Careers Curriculum

Pupil progress is tracked through the B-Skills assessment. Pupils have Employment Personalised Learning Intentions (PLIS) where appropriate. These Employment PLIs are in place from a young age to ensure we are as realisitically aspirational for our pupils, knowing our goal is to support all pupils to prepare for adulthood, including employment. For more information, please click here for the teaching, learning and outcomes policy. 

Partnership Working

Brackenfield SEND School actively approach employers to engage in our personal development offer and employment curriculum. This is through networking with stakeholders and external mass mails.

The Local Enterprise Coordinator supports establishing relationships with employers and also providing advice and guidance for literature to engage with employers effectively.

Brackenfield SEND School provide SEND advice and guidance to employers to raise the profile of inclusion and also demystify employment of people with SEND.

Brackenfield SEND School are outward facing and share their careers experience as an alumnus of Nottingham Trent University. This has led to partnership working on a national level. Brackenfield recognises the importance of reflection and evaluation of the curriculum offer; through networking, we ensure we are up to date with latest changes in legislation and opportunities for young people in preparation for adulthood.

Monitoring arrangements

The School improvement plan has a dedicated objective for personal development, including making progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks. The Gatsby benchmarks are:

1. A stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance


The Local Enterprise Coordinator and Local Enterprise Advisor support the school through quality assuring progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks. This includes Deep Dives into each benchmark, providing a critical eye for detail, professional challenge and strategic ideas to move provision forward.

Labour Market Information is reviewed annually and shared with pupils, parents and staff to ensure employment opportunities are focused on aspirational, realistic and achievable employment opportunities  for the young people.

The school’s arrangements for managing the access of education and training providers to students are monitored by Sophie Evitts- Deputy Headteacher. This policy will be reviewed by the Deputy Headteacher and Careers Governor annually alongside the development of the Personal Development action plan. At every review, the policy will be approved by the governing board.

Destination Data

We are reaching out to local employers to provide opportunities to support our young people preparing for adulthood. We are hoping to work with forward-thinking employers, and create work experience opportunities (short term or long term) to support our young people to:

  • Understand what it means to have a job
  • Recognise their strengths in a workplace and team
  • Develop transferable skills which will help in future employment
  • Interact in a work environment

These work experience opportunities would be supported by a Job Coach, who would work with employers to ensure the placement was meeting their business needs as well as providing meaningful experience.

We are hosting two types of placements:

  • Short term placements

Short term placements would be block placements throughout the school year for different students. It might a full week or 2 weeks, however it might not be a full week at a time- for example, it may be 3 afternoon s a week for 3 weeks. The purpose is to expose our young people to real life work as much as possible.

  • Long term placements and working interviews

Long term placements would be over a longer period and may be once or twice a week for at least a 3-month period. Ideally, we would be looking to run these placements for 12 months, to show considerable progress in the young person’s ability to interact and show impact in the workplace.

We are also keen to host keynote speakers from the world of work. It is important our young people have lots of employer encounters to inspire them as they prepare for adulthood.

If you are interested in supporting us with this exciting strategic development, however big or small your offer, we would love to hear from you. Please email

A provider wishing to request access should contact the careers team:

Strategic Careers Leader: Sophie Evitts; Deputy Headteacher

Operational Careers Leader: Helen Diggle; Employment Coordinator

Local Enterprise Coordinator: Berni Dickinson

Local enterprise Advisor: Sue Woollett

Telephone: 0115 9733710


Disability Employment Service (DES)

Please see the links below for useful information from the DES about the services and support that they can offer.

Disability Employment Service Leaflet

Disability Employment Service Poster

Advice and Guidance 

Here is a link to our college opportunties presentation College Opportunities click here to view

Here is a list of useful websites which can help when preparing for adulthood:

The National Careers Service provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.

The National Careers Service provide up to date labour market information.

Click here for:The UK’s largest specialist website for the charity sector, third sector and not-for-profit jobs | CharityJob, find a career with meaning–

Providers include employers, colleges and alternative options at post 16. Providers can register interest by making contact with the school directly, using the contact details below. Providers may send in advertising material to be shared with parents. These will be checked for appropriateness and on a case by case basis a decision will be made on which pupils the literature would be supportive of. This is to ensure we remain aspirational realistic for the cohort and their families. The school is outwards facing and approaches providers directly if identified through research on opportunities for the cohort.

A provider wishing to request access should contact the careers team:

Telephone: 0115 9733710
