Personal Development
At Brackenfield, we recognise the importance of preparing all our young people for adulthood, from their unique starting points and on their individual journeys to achieve their best possible outcomes.
Personal Development encompasses:
- Relationships and Health Education
- Sex Education
- Physical Education
- Wellbeing
- Wider Safety in the community; travel training, water safety, stranger danger
- Citizenship and playing a part in the community
- Developing Character and values, including taking responsibility and contributing to the school community
- Wider enriching opportunities including forest schools, trips and residentials
- Pupil Voice and Inclusion
- Spiritual Moral, Social and Cultural and British Values exposure and understanding
- Economic understanding and Careers; the local area and jobs
- Digital Resilience
Personal Development is embedded throughout the school curriculum, focusing on quality experiences which are functional and enriching.
Brackenfield School is committed to preparing all young people for adulthood in line with the SEND Code of Practice. Through the curriculum approach and personalised learning intentions, at a pace appropriate to the pupil we aspire to support pupils in the following areas:
- Communicate needs, wants, thoughts, preferences, opinions and experiences.
- Understand what people say to them and follow instructions.
- To participate in conversations.
Good Health
- Understand and manage their own body.
- Manage their own mental physical and sexual health.
- Manage and meet their own hygiene needs including toileting.
Friends, Relationships and Community
- Develop and maintain relationships and friendships.
- Access their community safely and confidently
Independent Living
- Live as independently as possible and manage my own household.
- Meet their own basic needs such as hunger, thirst etc
- Meet their own needs to be prepared for different weather; i.e. applying suncream and wearing a hat in the sun, wearing a coat when its cold or raining, changing wet clothes etc.
- Make choices and discover their preferences.
- Learn about the world of work so they know what opportunities are available to them
- Learn skills so they can enter the workforce
View our Brackenfield Business Enterprise
Class timetables offer regular opportunities to experience the local communities alongside developing the life skills needed to access communities safely.
Digital Resilience is addressed through our Special Agents, iVengers programme. Click here for more details.