Content marked ** in Italic is Sex Education Content
B0 – B7
B8 – B14
B15 – B21
Families and people who care for me: that marriage represents a formal and legally recognised commitment of two people to each other which is intended to be lifelong.
Staff to support pupil to build trusting and kind relationships through modelling, intensive interaction, play, exposure to motivators etc. Support pupils through conflict using simple language, communication aids and signing to aid comprehension.
Use stories and RSHE resources such as dolls to explore marriage and what it is. Use appropriate clips of weddings and case studies as visuals to show how different marriages can look.
Offer opportunities to explore different types of relationships between adults and how everyone’s lives are made up of similar but different values.
Teach about rules and social expectations about law, consent and marriage.
Offer opportunities to explore different types of relationships between adults and how everyone’s lives are made up of similar but different values.
Teach about rules and social expectations about law, consent and marriage.
Caring friendships: how to recognise who to trust and who not to trust, how to judge when a friendship is making them feel unhappy or uncomfortable, managing conflict, how to manage these situations and how to seek help or advice from others, if needed.
Staff to support pupil to build trusting and kind relationships through modelling, intensive interaction, play, exposure to motivators etc. Support pupils through conflict using simple language, communication aids and signing to aid comprehension.
Use stories and RSHE resouces such as dolls to explore how to deal with conflict, managing friendships and explain how friendships should not make us feel unhappy or uncomfortable.
Explain the difference between good and bad secrets and who to tell if someone asks you to keep a secret.
Use stories and RSHE resouces such as dolls to explore how to deal with conflict, managing friendships and explain how friendships should not make us feel unhappy or uncomfortable.
Explain the difference between good and bad secrets and who to tell if someone asks you to keep a secret.
Use stories and RSHE resouces such as dolls to explore how to deal with conflict, managing friendships and explain how friendships should not make us feel unhappy or uncomfortable.
Healthy eating: the characteristics of a poor diet and risks associated with unhealthy eating (including, for example, obesity and tooth decay) and other behaviours (e.g. the impact of alcohol on diet or health).
Explore a variety of foods with the pupil as part of sensory cooking and Sensolgy.
Encourage pupils to make preferences and request food and drink using their preferred communication method.
Ensure communication aids are kept up to date with food and drink preferences.
Explore a variety of foods with the pupil as part of cooking, dinner and Sensolgy.
Discuss foods that should be eaten less often (unhealthy) and more often (healthy foods) and discuss food groups.
Encourage pupils to make simple snacks, preferences and request food and drink using their preferred communication method.
Ensure communication aids are kept up to date with food and drink preferences.
Explore a variety of foods and discuss food groups with the pupil as part of cooking, dinner and Sensolgy.
Discuss food groups and talk about food that should be eaten less often (unhealthy) and more often (healthy foods).
Talk about the consequences of eating too much unhealthy food on the body and teeth. Show the effects of food on egg shells (can model enamel erosion with fizzy drink and tomato sauce)
Encourage pupils to make simple meals, request food and drink using their preferred communication method.
Explore a variety of foods and discuss food groups with the pupil as part of food preparation and cooking.
Discuss food groups and talk about food that should be eaten less often (unhealthy) and more often (healthy foods).
Talk about the consequences of an unblanced diet on the body and teeth. Make the Bristol stool chart out of chocolate to show what fiber and hydration does. Show different coloured liquid to represent the urine colours and what a heathy colour should be. Show the effects of food on egg shells (can model enamel erosion with fizzy drink and tomato sauce).
Encourage pupils to make simple meals, request food and drink using their preferred communication method.
Science: describe the life cycles and process of reproduction in some plants and animals. Describe the changes as humans develop to old age including changes during puberty.
Use mirrors to explore reflections and recognise themselves.
Provide photos or videos of familiar people of different ages (siblings, parents, grandparents).
Visit petting farms to see animals and offspring.
Provide access to communication aids.
Provide pictures of self and familiar adults as a baby, child, teenager and adult and talk about changes including puberty.
Use dolls and sensory stories to recap the changes during puberty.
Talk about that humans and animals can have offspring.
Explore the life cycle of different animals such as a chick or butterfly. Try to use real life examples where possible.
Visit petting farms to see animals and offspring.
Discuss and label changes including puberty with pictures of themselves and familiar adults as a baby, child, teenager and adult.
Use dolls, models and sensory stories to recap the changes during puberty. This can help explain what will happen and how to manage physical changes i.e. periods, wet dreams, sweat/ body odour, sexual desire, breasts and bras, pubic hair and being clean, acne.
Talk about that humans and animals can have offspring.
Explore different seeds (dandelion flower, cress, tree, fruit seeds) and how they grow into a plant.
Explore the life cycle of different animals such as a chick or butterfly. Try to use real life examples where possible.
Visit petting farms to see and name animals and offspring and describe changes.
Use dolls, models and sensory stories to recap the changes during puberty.
Discuss and label changes including puberty with pictures of themselves and familiar adults as a baby, child, teenager and adult.
Discuss different seeds (flower, cress, tree, fruit seeds) and how they reproduce including how they disperse (wind, animal, water).
Talk about how humans and animals can have offspring (from a cell level sperm and egg).
Explore the life cycle of different animals such as a chick or butterfly. Try to use real life examples where possible so pupils can track and record the changes daily.
Visit petting farms to see and name animals and offspring and describe changes.
Respectful relationships: what a stereotype is, and how stereotypes can be unfair, negative or destructive.
Create a fair and pupil centred safe space where all pupils are free to be themselves and learn about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Create a fair and pupil centred safe space where all pupils are free to be themselves and learn about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Ensure pupils are treating each other with respect and kindness and challenge stereotyping behaviours – discuss this with phone calls home.
Create a fair and pupil centred safe space where all pupils are free to be themselves and learn about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Ensure pupils are treating each other with respect and kindness and challenge stereotyping behaviours – dicuss this with phone calls home.
Use stories, role play and drama to explore how stereotyping can be unfair, negative or destructive.
Create a fair and pupil centred safe space where all pupils are free to be themselves and learn about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Ensure pupils are treating each other with respect and kindness and challenge stereotyping behaviours – dicuss this with phone calls home.
Use stories, role play and drama to explore how stereotyping can be unfair, negative or destructive.
Discuss in more detail what stereotyping is and explore how we could be stereotyped – explore how it would make us feel if people made assumptions about use based on how we look, the colour of our skin, religion etc.
Online relationships: how to critically consider their online friendships and sources of information including awareness of the risks associated with people they have never met.
Provide access to technology and model safe use.
Set limits where possible and ensure iPad content is restricted – report when unsafe material is access. Ensure familiar adults are regularly checking and interacting with pupils whilst using technology.
Provide access to technology and model safe use.
Set limits where possible and ensure iPad content is restricted – report when unsafe material is access. Ensure familiar adults are regularly checking and interacting with pupils whilst using technology.
Develop pupil’s ability to critically consider their online friendships and sources of information including awareness of the risks associated with people they have never met through iVengers Special Agents and peer to peer learning.
Develop pupil’s ability to critically consider their online friendships and sources of information including awareness of the risks associated with people they have never met through iVengers Special Agents and peer to peer learning. .
Being safe: how to ask for advice or help for themselves or others, and to keep trying until they are heard. how to report concerns or abuse, and the vocabulary and confidence needed to do so.
Create a fair and pupil centred safe space where all pupils are free to be themselves and learn about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Ensure communication aids are always relevant and available. Staff to be advocates for pupils and obvserve changes in behaviour closely.
Create a fair and pupil centred safe space where all pupils are free to be themselves and learn about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Use drama and role play to act out responses to C12
Ensure communication aids are always relevant and available. Staff to be advocates for pupils and observe changes in behaviour closely.
Create a fair and pupil centred safe space where all pupils are free to be themselves and learn about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Deliver regular and repeated sessions including role played conversations of pupils asking for help. Highlight trusted people in their lives and people who can help us in the community (police, paramedics etc).
Provide a list of key vocabulary in a variety of forms (verbally, written, signs) and practice these to build confidence and improve retention.
Create a fair and pupil centred safe space where all pupils are free to be themselves and learn about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Deliver regular and repeated sessions including role played conversations of pupils asking for help. Highlight trusted people in their lives and people who can help us in the community (police, paramedics etc).
Provide a list of key vocabulary in a variety of forms (verbally, written, signs) and practice these to build confidence and improve retention.
Health and prevention: about dental health and the benefits of good oral hygiene and dental flossing, including regular check-ups at the dentist.
Support pupils to use a toothbrush and toothpaste to develop their independence.
Use big teeth model and sensory stories to model brushing teeth.
Practice brushing their own teeth (gain permission first and ask Health care about the smile award).
Explore the dentist role play.
Use big teeth model and sensory stories to model brushing teeth including flossing and gum health.
Practice brushing their own teeth (gain permission first and ask Health care about the smile award).
Talk about the benefits of good dental hygiene and brushing twice a day for 2 minutes.
Use the dentist role play to model check ups.
Use the models and stories to demonstrate how to clean, floss use mouth wash.
Discuss the importance of good dental hygiene and what happens if there is poor dental hygiene (plaque and cavities) use disclosure tablets (with parents permission to show where needs brushing and to identify if they have missed an area when brushing).
Use the role play to model what happens at check ups.
Changing adolescent body: about menstrual wellbeing including the key facts about the menstrual cycle.
Keep a record of signs when the pupil is about to go on their period and a detailed intimate care log.
If the pupil appears aware of the changes have communication aids with appropriate symbols on.
Use the dolls and sensory stories to discuss personal hygiene, puberty changes and the menstruation cycle.
Practice placing a period pad on additional pants over their trousers to support independence.
Discuss and model what a period is using the large model and dolls. Use the dolls and sensory stories to discuss the personal hygiene, puberty changes and the menstruation cycle including what products can be used and personal hygiene.
Practice placing a period pad on additional pants over their trousers to support independence.
Discuss and model what a period is using the large vulva model and dolls. Use the dolls and sensory stories to discuss thechanges during puberty, hygiene, the menstruation cycle and what products can be used and personal hygiene. Remember to include the frequency of pad changes or other period products and the importance of keeping clean.
Discussions can also include vagina health (discharge colours), errections and wet dreams.
Practice placing a period pad on additional pants over their trousers to support independence.
Mental wellbeing: where and how to seek support (including recognising the triggers for seeking support), including whom in school they should speak to if they are worried about their own or someone else’s mental wellbeing or ability to control their emotions (including issues arising online).
Offer regulation techniques when pupils begin to feel dysregulated and overwhelmed.
Staff to support pupils to regulate and access commuincatoion aids to request items or activities.
Encourage pupils to identify and express their emotions.
Staff to support pupils to reflect upon events to explore the appropriate and proportionate response.
Discuss who they could come to if they need help or feeling sad. Use PELICAN, sensory stories and dolls to model this.
Encourage pupils to identify and express a wider range of emotions.
Staff to support pupils to reflect upon events to explore the appropriate and proportionate response.
Discuss extreme emotions and that we might need help to deal with them at times such as triggers, events or continuously feeling an emotion. Use PELICAN, sensory stories and dolls to model this.
Talk about who can help. (Trusted adults, family, doctors)
Pupils will identify and express a wide range of emotions and use regulation techniques.
Discuss extreme emotions and that we might need help to deal with them at times such as triggers, events or continuously feeling an emotion.
Discuss what you can do if you need help, how to get help (doctors, trusted adult, family) and how to spot signs in others. (depression [search the big black dog] , anger, anxiety).
Internet safety and harms: how to be a discerning consumer of information online including understanding that information, including that from search engines, is ranked, selected and targeted.
Provide access to technology and model safe use.
Set limits where possible and ensure iPad content is restricted – report when unsafe material is access. Ensure familiar adults are regularly checking and interacting with pupils whilst using technology.
Allow pupils to use devices to support regulation and joy in living; accessing content like YouTube, TikTok, videos of themselves/ photos of themselves, facial recognition apps, increasing online exposure. Online safety should be modelled and content restricted. Use communication aids to support requesting preferences.
Provide access to technology and model safe use.
Set limits where possible and ensure iPad content is restricted – report when unsafe material is access. Ensure familiar adults are regularly checking and interacting with pupils whilst using technology.
Provide opportunities for pupils to find information online and navigate hyperlinks and menus.
Support through problems with connections, knowing when to ask for help.
Provide access to online platforms to communicate and establish online relationships, developing online etiquette and the impact of negative behaviours online.
Use iVengers Special Agents to provide peer led sessions on keeping safe online and how to report harmful content – see computing SoW. Invite those who are particularly susceptable to online risk to be an Special Agent to intensify their online safety learning.
Where appropriate, offer use of phones or online platforms to communicate and establish online relationships, developing simple requests and responses .i.e. text messages, voice notes, phone calls, social media posts. See Safety in the Community Online tab in FRC LTP.
Provide access to online platforms to communicate and establish online relationships, developing online etiquette and the impact of negative behaviours online.
Use iVengers Special Agents to provide peer led sessions on keeping safe online and how to report harmful content – see computing SoW. Invite those who are particularly susceptable to online risk to be an Special Agent to intensify their online safety learning.
Where appropriate, offer use of phones or online platforms to communicate and establish online relationships, developing simple requests and responses .i.e. text messages, voice notes, phone calls, social media posts. See Safety in the Community Online tab in FRC LTP.
Physical health and fitness: how and when to seek support including which adults to speak to in school if they are worried about their health.
Provide opportunities to explore physical activities such as sensory swimming/ water play, dance, outdoor spaces and equipment (throw, balance, climb, spin, swing, tilt, squeeze) to develop preferences.
Staff to discuss with parents if there are any concerns around mobility or health.
Provide opportunities to explore a range of physical activities.
If pupils feel frustrated about their ability, staff will support pupils to reach their full potential. (For example: Hand support when balancing)
Staff to discuss with parents if there are any concerns around mobility or health.
Discuss with pupils who they can talk to if they are worries about their health.
Discuss with pupils who they can talk to if they are worries about their health including health professionals.
Basic first aid: how to make a clear and efficient call to emergency services if necessary.
Provide personal and classroom communication aids to support pupils to express if they feel unwell or if something hurts.
Use sensory stories and dolls with pupils to show what to do if you are hurt and who can help.
Discuss emergency services and what they do. Use role play to model this.
Use sensory stories and dolls with pupils to show what to do if you are hurt and who can help.
Discuss emergency services and what they do. Use role play to model this. Practice emergency calls and asking for help.
Use sensory stories and dolls with pupils to show what to do if you are hurt and who can help.
Discuss emergency services and what they do. Use role play scenarios and how to respond. Practice making emergency calls (including sharing location, giving personal and detailed information.